PTA (FOMSF-Friends of Morley St Francis)
Events happening this term...
Friends of Morley St Francis - PTA Group
Our PTA is about much more than simply fundraising. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring parents, staff and other supporters together socially in support of the school and working towards a common goal.
PTA remit:
The object of the Association (the Objects) is to advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:
- Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school;
- Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.Please keep your eye on our Notice Board located in school and ‘Like’us on Facebook to keep up to date. (By Liking and using our Facebook page you agree to abide by the Facebook Policy)
Chair: Rachel Nichol |
Secretary: Teri Loftus |
Vice Secretary: Stevie Mardie |
Treasurer: Stacey Blair |
Social Media: Lisa-Marie Farnworth |
Contact details:
Facebook: Friends of St. Francis Catholic School Morley - PTA Group
or get in touch with one of your Class Reps
The Committee meet on a regular basis, usually once per term, when all members are welcome to join us, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to manage fundraising & events. Dates are on the Notice board.
Class Representatives
Nursery: Lisa-Marie Farnworth
Reception: Lucy Joyce
Year 1: Teri Loftus
Year 2: Kelly Jordan
Year 3: Kerri Sturman
Year 4: Rachel Nichol
Year 5: Katie Featherstone
Year 6: Catherine Burnett
Get Involved - Parent Skills Bank / Helpers / Ideas
- If you are interested in joining the committee or being a PTA volunteer, please do not hesitate to talk to a member of the Committee.
- Donations from parents are extremely important, no matter how big or small.
- Offer of services and skills too are vitally important, please let us know if you can help in any way.
- Contact us anytime through the school office or Facebook message; your feedback and ideas are always welcome!
Raise money for your school by doing your everyday online shopping using these links and references:
Retailer | Product | Commission | School code / reference | |
The Giving Machine | Shopping / holidays etc | Varies per shop |
57694 Need to register |
Stikins | Sticky named labels for clothes / shoes / bags etc | Up to 30% |
Give as you Live | Shopping, holidays, etc | Varies per shop | Download the Give as you Live app and register for free select St Francis Morley |
All Events that the PTA host will be notified in numerous ways:-
- The PTA Notice board - located in the entrance of the yard gate
- Our Facebook page
- Communication through the school news letter
- Letters home to parents and carers about events
- Via class whatsapp groups
What have we raised for the school
2014 - 2015: Total Raised: £4,389.79
2015 - 2016: Total Raised: £4,173.65
2016 - 2017: Total Raised: £5,500
2017-2018: Total Raised: £5,974
2018-2019: Total Raised: £9,084 (we became a registered charity)
2019-2020: Total Raised: £7,599 (stopped in March 2020 due to Covid)
2020-2021: Total Raised: £6,805 (raised during the pandemic)
2021-2022: Total Raised: £6,631.53
2022-2023: Total Raised: £13,180.05
The main things purchased over the last few years:-
2018 – 2019: Sand pit in the Early years playground
2019 – 2020: 15 Class Ipads and Defibrillator
2020 – 2021: 10 Class Ipads and the large Trim Trial in the main playground
2021 - 2022: Well-being garden (including firepit area, geo reading dome, gardening beds, outside classroom area and den building space)
2022 - 2023: Playground markings, 100 fiction books, 4 picnic benches, 1 friendship bench and 10 Ipads for SEND specific learning software
What kind of things do we fund or help fund for the school?
Fundraising Academic Year 2018/19 |
Spend Academic Year 2018/19 |
Sponsored Bounce: £896.97 Tea Towels: £486.60 Easter Mini Fair: £297.93 Ice Cream Sales: £94.30 Asda Bag Pack: £516.16 Colour Run: £949.50 Summer Fayre: £2171.85 Barrett Homes Grant: £1000.00 Sports Day: £126.00 Reindeer food & Santa keys: £109.40 Christmas Raffle: £1906.00 Stikins: £44.70 Giving Machine: £107.01 Match Funding: £500.00 Became a registered charity |
Theatre Production: £799.00 Selection Boxes: £335.81 Crackers, table cloths, napkins: £92.79 Christmas Tree: £96.00 Raffle Tickets & licence: £113.00 Stage 1 EY playground deposit: £276.00 Stage 2 EY playground: £2175.00 Stage 3 EY playground: £2175.00 Parentkind Membership: £105.00 PTA Panto Deposit: £127.50 Purchased a Xmas tree for 2019: £36.00 End of Year Disco 2019: £100.00 St Patricks Float: £47.94 Football nets x 2 £184.88 New Starter Bags & Bottles: £60.00 Bouncy Castle: £60.00 |
Fundraising 2019/2020 |
Spend Academic Year 2019/2020 |
September 2019 – February 2020 Christmas Cards: £381 Monster Mash Disco: £542 Match Funding October: £1500 Wreath Event: £530 Morrison’s Bag Pack: £652.78 Pantomime: £523.40 Christmas Raffle: £1,955 Happy Bags: £181.20 Valentine Disco: £364.56 Sponsored Bounce: £459.00 Giving Machine: £154.65 Stikins: £81.96 School uniform Sales: £114.24 Hire of Bouncy Castle: £160.00 |
Theatre Production: £799 Annual Library books: £500 Christmas party costs: £124.65 15 x Ipads, covers & charger: £3560.46 Defibrillator: £1512.00 Parent kind Membership: £110.00 School Disco (carried over: £150.00 Other: £3607.18 (Costs for events, supplies & bouncy castle repairs)
Fundraising stopped in March 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic and we still nearly raised close to our Target which is fantastic. |
Fundraising 2020/2021 |
Spend Academic Year 2020/2021 |
September 2020 – February 2021
Cash Donations: £735.03 Bouncy Castle Hire: £177.00 Xmas cards, towels, mugs: £458.01 Christmas Raffle: £3373.70 Summer Mini Fair: £394.01 Match Funding: £1000.00 PTA Sale items: £334.22 Giving Machine: £61.37 Stikins: £81.69 School uniform Sales: £57.00 Amazon Smile: £132.88 Unbelievable amount to say that we couldn’t have any fundraising in house like the sponsored events, discos etc. |
Library Books: £500 Christmas party costs: £146 Trim Trail: £8995 10 x iPad & cases: £2724 End of Year Ice Creams: £200 Parentkind: £110
The Trim Trail has been such a fabulous addition in the main playground and given the children much needed outdoor play, especially when outdoor play was needed more in this year. We also now have a full set of iPads so the children have one each. The ipads are on a rota between the classes throughout the week. |
Fundraising 2021/2022 |
Spend Academic Year 2021/2022 |
Fundraising 2022/2023 |
Spend Academic Year 2022/2023 |