Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Welcome to Year 1

Information about our class: 

 Our teacher is Mrs Nicolson and our learning support assistants are Mrs Ahmed and Miss Ingram.


In Year 1 we aim to build independence and help to form secure relationships which we believe is an essential part of every child's learning journey. We love to celebrate our faith in God through songs, poems and worship and it is through this that we confidently try to make positive choices in everything that we do. We understand that every child is unique and strive to celebrate our many different talents and successes and most importantly, have fun!


A typical morning in Year 1 consists of phonics, english, handwriting, and maths.

In the afternoon we study other subjects from the curriculum including RE (Religious education), geography, history, art and design technology, Science, PE, Computing and Music.

We also take part in a daily Worship, including a Key Stage One Worship and whole school worship once per week.

We understand the importance of parents and the pivotal role they have in enhancing their child's learning. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to chat with the class teacher. 



Homework will be given on a Friday and needs to be submitted by the following Thursday on Seesaw.

Reading Books

In Year 1 we change our reading books regularly. These are closely matched to the teaching of phonics in school. Please also ensure you sign your children's reading record to prevent the same books being sent home the following week. Please ensure these reading books are brought to school daily in your child's reading pack.


Below are some useful websites for practising phonics and some further information.

Phonics Play Website 

Phase 2 Pronunciation Video

Phase 3 Pronunciation Video

Phase 5 Pronunciation Video

Phonics Screening Check Information 1


Phonics Screening Check Information 2



In school we follow the Teach Handwriting approach to forming cursive letters. Please find below the link for the website.

Teach Handwriting


Useful Documents

Long Term Plan

Year 1 End of Year Expectations

2024 - 2025 Our Learning Journey