Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Extra curricular opportunities

We encourage our children to take part in extra-curricular activities throughout the school year. This helps the children to make the most of their time with us and encourages them to develop many different skills. We are always seeking ways to provide our children with a wide range of opportunities, both during and outside of the school day. We feel that this broadens our pupils’ cultural capital and builds their character education.

We currently have a range of extra-curricular activities running in school. We have tried to offer a variety of activities across Key Stages One and Two to meet the needs of all children. The opportunities take place before, during and after school. 

As well as these activities, we have a very busy timetable of sporting events spread across the year which involve different year groups. We take part in events with the Morley Family of Schools, Catholic partnership and wider Leeds Well-Schools & South and Central School Sports Partnership. These events include:

  • Skipping competitions for years 2 & 4
  • Under 9 and under 11 football for girls and boys
  • Swimming for Key Stage Two
  • Tag rugby for Year 4
  • Rounders for Years 5 & 6
  • Netball for Years 5 & 6
  • Athletics for Key Stage Two
  • Triathlon for Key Stage Two
  • Fun run for Key Stage Two


Below is a snapshot of different opportunities that we offer, many of which link to our school curriculum but also branch beyond it to offer our children as many enrichment opportunities as possible.



School Council

Our School Council is made up of pupils from Years 2 to 6 and they meet with Miss Williams on a regular basis. They share ideas of ways we can improve our fantastic school and any fundraising initiatives we need to achieve these improvements.


Mini Vinnies

The aim of the Mini Vinnies group is to support those people in our community who need it the most, in whatever way they can. They are a group of Year 5 pupils who meet with Mrs Malone on a regular basis to discuss people who need to be helped and the ways they can help them. Often, they organise and help to run fundraising events throughout the school.


Chaplaincy Team

The Chaplaincy Team are Year 6 pupils who find ways to help our school be a strong community of faith. They meet regularly with Miss Goodall to share their ideas of how they can achieve this goal. For example, on a weekly basis, they set up Key Stage worships for the staff who are leading them.


Reading buddies, ambassadors & Librarians

Year 5/6 pupils have the opportunity to be reading buddies for children in Key Stage One. They meet on a lunchtime to read books together, practise phonics and develop their comprehension skills.  Our Reading ambassadors have been voted by the children and formulate a representative from each class.  They champion reading across school by writing recommendations in our newsletter and discussing reading across school.  Our Librarians are children from Years 5/6 who support staff with the organisation of our School library; which includes booking books in and out of school.


Silver Story readers

Our Upper Key Stage 2 pupils have the opportunity to be a Silver Story reader.  This is where a member one of our pupils reads to a member of the community or a parishioner on a weekly basis.


Sports leaders

Following training from the ACEs sports coach, a group of Year 5 pupils help to promote different sporting games and activities on a lunchtime to other children. They demonstrate how to play different games and develop their skills.


School food ambassadors

Children in lower Key Stage Two have the opportunity to become school food ambassadors with Mrs Iddison. The aim of the group is to help increase the uptake of school meals and enhance the dining experience for pupils on a lunch time.


Eco ambassadors

Children from across school entered an 'eco' competition to become an Eco ambassador.  The children meet weekly with Mrs Iddison. 


Digital leaders

 Mrs Nicolson is supported by children across Key Stage 2 to champion safety online and when using technology.  They meet each week to work together to create initiatives and reminders for our School community. 


Mini Mindmate ambassadors

 Our Mini Mindmate team with Mrs Nicolson, work to champion friendship and kindness and help others when this is a challenge.  Our school is a no bullying zone and that is thanks to the work of our Mini Mindmates!


Faith buddies

All Year 6 pupils are paired up with a Reception 'buddy'. They look out for their buddy around school, to make sure they settle in well and enjoy their first year at St Francis.



Lunchtime or afterschool enrichment school clubs

Throughout the year, we provide a range of after school clubs for pupils across the school. These are run by either staff in school or external agencies. Here are some of the clubs we offer:

  • Dance, Archery, Gymnastics (led by a coach from Total Dance Leeds) for all year groups
  • Netball for Years 4-6
  • Sewing & Crochet club for Years 5 & 6
  • Gardening club for Key Stage 2
  • Lego, puzzles and Chess club for Key Stage 2
  • Maths revision for Year 6
  • Reading revision for Year 6
  • Prayer & meditation club for all year groups
  • French club for Key Stage 2
  • Reading club for Years 3&4
  • Timestables club for Years 2-4
  • Cooking for all year groups
  • Arts and crafts club for Years 2-6
  • Choir for Key Stage 2
  • Learning a musical instrument (with a trained peripatetic music teacher) for Key Stage 2
  • Football, Dodgeball, Athletics, Tennis, Netball, Multisports (led by an ACES Education coach) for all year groups