Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Welcome to Year 2


Our teachers are Miss Haley and Mrs Malone. Miss Haley is in class on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Malone is in class on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.  Our experienced teaching assistant is Miss Hogan. 


In Year Two, our faith in God is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that everyone is special and unique and strive to develop children’s talents to achieve their highest potential. We aim for our children to become confident, resilient learners and develop the skills they need for lifelong learning whilst inspiring them to be kind and caring members of the community.    

A typical morning in Year 2 consists of spellings, English, handwriting, and maths.

In the afternoon, we study other subjects including RE (Religious Education), science, geography, history, Physical Education, computing, art, design and technology and music.

Prayer is an important part of our day in Year Two. We enjoy taking part in a Worship, including daily Class Worships, a weekly Virtues Collective Worship on a Wednesday and Key Stage One Worship on a Thursday. Through listening to messages from the Gospels, we learn and grow in our Catholic faith.

We welcome parents as partners in your child’s education and are very grateful for your invaluable support. If you have any concerns or questions, please make an appointment via the office to discuss these with us.



Homework is sent out on a Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday. 

We encourage every child to regularly use TT Rock stars weekly to practise their times tables. The login details for this are on the front of the yellow reading record. 



A spelling list is sent home each half term which contains key vocabulary. Please practise as part of your weekly homework. 

Reading Books

Reading books are changed twice a week. We encourage children to read daily at home. Please comment in your child's reading record and ensure it is brought to school daily. It is important for children to read a wide range of texts to develop their vocabulary and knowledge. Make use of the local library and also read the books on Oxford Owl. 

PE days 

PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays for this half term. 


Autumn Term calendar of key dates