Welcome to Reception's Class Page!
On behalf of the team, I would like to welcome you to Reception. We are so glad you have chosen to become part of the St. Francis Family.
Our class teacher is Miss Goodall and our teaching assistants are Mrs Featherstone, Mrs Commons and Miss Warne. Mrs Iddison also covers the class. We all work together to give every child the best learning experience and provide an education to meet all children’s needs. At St. Francis we will help the children to achieve their full potential, developing their thinking, their knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare them for life in our ever- changing world.
We understand that we set the foundations for children's education and aim to create a warm, happy, secure and inviting learning environment. This will help the children to feel comfortable, confident, and respectful of themselves and others, regardless of gender, race or culture. We want the children to have fun and to be happy, independent – to think and do things for themselves by learning to make choices and to share and co-operate. We believe our environment will deliver effective learning where children will develop essential life-long skills, enthused and inspired to become autonomous and intuitive learners.
What happens in Reception:
A typical day in Reception consists of daily phonics, literacy and maths groups in the morning. During the afternoon, as well as our RE learning, we cover a wide range of activities to help develop children who are curious, resilient and confident. Our Early Years setting, follows the curriculum as outlined in the 2021 statutory framework alongside the Development Matters document milestone and assessment points. We follow a blended approach in our curriculum. This involves delivering our curriculum that is knowledge based and focusses on what we want our children to know and do. This then runs alongside following children's skills and interests in our continuous provision and planning in the moment, with developing the unique child at the centre of what we do.
We aim to create an attractive and stimulating learning environment where children feel confident, secure and challenged. We have areas of provision; both inside and outside -which are enhanced regularly to support our experiences and learning. We aim to build children who are independent, confident and thoughtful, which is an essential part of each child's learning journey.
We enjoy celebrating our faith in God through songs and worship and it is through this that we make positive choices in everything we do. We recognise that all of our children are unique, individual and special and allow all of our children to show their many talents.
We recognise the important work that parents play in building on the skills learnt in school. Our children are encouraged to read at home, practice their letter sounds and reading their tricky words and complete their homework activity, alongside the homework challenge on set on Tapestry every week.
In Reception, we are using Tapestry to 'capture' our children's learning. Tapestry is an easy-to-use online learning journal which helps school and parents/carers to record, track and celebrate children's progress in early years education.
Log on to see your child's profile - photos, videos and written comments and don't forget to add your own - we love to see what our children are doing at home too!
Please download the Tapestry app. Fill in the Tapestry agreement and give it to the staff in Reception and they will quickly get you set up with an account so that you can access your child's learning journey and contribute from home.
Important Days
Friday – Tapestry homework challenge will be added for both Nursery and Reception children to complete.
Book Bags - please send your child's book bag every day.
Thursday - Children's library books will be changed.
Friday - Children's reading books will be changed.
Autumn Newsletter 2024
Our Long Term Plan:
Reception Long Term Plan 2024-2025
Phonics & ELS:
Link to Oxford Owl Home for Parent Support
Useful Websites & Documents
Our Learning Journey