Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Welcome to Year 6!

Information about our class:

In year 6 we try to make learning fun using as many different ways as possible to include all children and find the most effective way for them to learn. This ensures that all children achieve their full potential. As a class we work hard to be tolerant, patient, kind and loving to each other. We encourage each other at every opportunity to maintain a learning environment where everybody's ideas and opinions are valued

We respect each person's individuality and celebrate their successes at every opportunity. We really enjoy meeting together and sharing our success in our weekly praise assembly. 

Our teacher is Miss Grayston and our teaching assistant is Miss Williams. Mrs S Harrison teaches our class on a Thursday afternoon and on Fridays.

A typical day in Year 6 consists of English, Maths and reading comprehension, spellings and grammar in the morning and other subjects from the curriculum in the afternoon. These include RE, PSHE, Geography, History, PE, Art, DT, French, Computing and Music. 

Each day we celebrate our Catholic faith by joining together to praise God and learning about Jesus' love for us. We enjoy taking part in a Worship every day, including our Key Stage Two Worship on a Monday. Through listening to messages from the Gospels, we learn and grow in our Catholic faith. We receive a mission of how we can use the teachings of Jesus to help others within our everyday lives.   We take turns to plan and lead our class worships and help others to set up for key stage worships. We also begin and end each day with prayers, as well as giving thanks to God before and after eating.

'The Way, the Truth, the Life' provides the focus for our RE learning, which is enhanced by creative whole school themed weeks such as work based on the Virtues, the Jesse Tree and the Saints. Our Year 6 class virtue is 'Service'.  

All pupils take on many roles in year 6 to help them to contribute to our school community.  These include looking after our buddies, school council, the chaplaincy team, Mini Vinnies, reading buddies, Mind Mate champions, food ambassadors and lots more!

Our main aim is to prepare our children for high school and teach them the skills and independence that they will need to be successful in their lives.  



Homework is set on on Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday.

We also need to work on our times tables skills on TT Rockstars each week.

Spellings that link to our class topics are sent out each half term.  These can be practiced at home to help support learning in school. Weekly spelling lessons will cover spelling rules and patterns which the children are expected to apply in their written work across the curriculum.

We are encouraged to change our reading books weekly and to read and practise our times tables every day.

We need our reading books in school every day so we can be read with as much as possible. 

We provide revision clubs after Christmas which all pupils find useful as teachers are available to support each child’s individual learning in preparation for their SATs.


As a school we greatly value the importance of parents and the pivotal role they have in enhancing their child's learning. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's class teacher. 



Autumn Term calendar of key dates

Y6 spring newsletter 2024

 Y6 Autumn Newsletter 2023.

Parent Information leaflet 


Class Long Term Plan: 

Please read here to find out further details about the units of work, texts and key vocabulary which will be taught in year 6. 




Home learning to support and enhance your child's learning: 



Here are the Y3/4 statutory spellings.

Here are the Year 5/6 statutory spellings


Explore a range of creative ways to practise your spellings using the ideas below:

Spelling Menu 


Use these websites to help:





Grammar and Punctuation

BBC Bitesize has lots of useful clips, activities and videos to help you to embed previous learning or to become more confident with the new concepts you will be taught this year. 

 BBC Bitesize: KS2 grammar

BBC Bitesize:KS2 punctuation 




It is important that you read regularly, ideally every day, and that you read a wide range of different texts to develop your vocabulary and your general knowledge.  Understanding the texts you read is a crucial skill to develop.  Explore and use the resources below to develop your understanding of your own favourite books and your school reading books. 


Use these resources to help you to keep focused as you are reading:

Think along activity sheet

Discussion support book marks 

Discussion support mat 


Use this resource to help you to generate your own questions: 

Question matrix 


Use these resources to produce your own book reviews: 

book review template 

book review template



Confident times tables skills are key in your Maths learning. I know these were something you worked hard on in Year 5 so now it’s time to keep practising and keep on top of your times tables knowledge.

Below are some websites with games and activities to help you: 





You can revise different areas of Year 6 maths using the following website:
